The UVS Viscosity Measuring System is used to perform flow-time measurements in capillary viscometers in combination with the UFIT Viskey PC software. The available capillary viscometers enable viscosity measurements 0.35 of approx 5,000 mm2/s (cSt) to be carried out at a measuring temperature of approx. 25 °C.
UVS粘度測量裝置用于結合Ufit的Viskey軟件測量在毛細管粘度計流過的時間。用毛細管粘度計使粘度測量在25°C 溫度下測量5000mm2/ s(cSt)精度約為0.35。
UVS粘度測量裝置 Measuring range (time)測量范圍(時間)
Time 時間 0.100 to 9999.000 s
Resolution 分辨率 0.001 s
Accuracy (flow time : 0 - 100s) 精度( ± 0.001 s
Accuracy (flow time : > 100 s) <10 ppm
Ambient temp. error of time base (15 - 35°C) < 4 ppm