

博斯特大中華區(qū): 2025年起,開辟全新精準定制化客戶互動模式

2025-02-25 14:26:53博斯特BOBST閱讀量:16539 我要評論

  【包裝印刷網 企業(yè)關注】近年來,博斯特集團在與客戶溝通交流的主要方式渠道上進行了重要的戰(zhàn)略部署,我們逐步從傳統(tǒng)參與各類行業(yè)活動和貿易展覽會模式,轉向在博斯特全球各地公司的包裝中心和技能演示中心內,開展更個性化、更定制化的互動交流活動。這一策略在全球范圍內取得了顯著成功,不僅為客戶帶來了更高效、更便捷、更具針對性的卓越體驗,同時也減少了對環(huán)境的消耗影響,可謂一舉多得。
  In recent years, BOBST has made the strategic decision to evolve the way it primarily engages with customers, shifting from multiple industry events and tradeshows to more personalized and tailored interactions at the company’s Packaging Centers & Competence Centers around the world. This approach has been extremely successful globally, providing more effective, convenient and personalized customer experience, while simultaneously reducing the environmental impact.
  Bobst Greater China will continue at the forefront of this strategy in 2025 and beyond, engaging with its customers in more targeted and tailored ways. This will include:
  針對標簽、軟包裝、折疊彩盒和瓦楞紙箱各行業(yè)板塊的標桿工廠開放日活動 Exclusive Open House events across all industry segments.
  傳統(tǒng)模式及新型網絡線上的技術論壇 Conventional & Online technical seminars.
  在博斯特技術演示中心與客戶一對一的專項研討會 One-to-one meetings with customers at BOBST’s Competence Centers.
  China is one of only two countries in the world to have two BOBST flagship Competence Centers, situated in Shanghai and Changzhou. The center in Shanghai specializes in the folding carton industry, featuring latest innovation in flatbed die-cutting, folding-gluing, and hot foil stamping, while the center in Changzhou has a special focus on flexible packaging, giving customers the opportunity to see gravure printing, laminating and CI Flexo solutions up close.
  Furthermore, to comprehensively address the diverse needs of various market segments, BOBST utilizes an enriched dual-brand strategy. With ETERNA, a fully owned subsidiary of the Bobst Group, operating two factories in Shanghai Jiading and Jiangsu Dongtai, BOBST can offer a wider portfolio of solutions to better serve the different market needs.
  Within these centers and factories, clients can engage with BOBST’s pioneering technologies, undertake rigorous product testing, and talk with industry experts. These centers have become pivotal hubs for BOBST to serve clients throughout Greater China and the wider Asia-Pacific region.
  Mr. Lubin, LV, Regional Business Director of BOBST Greater China, said: “At BOBST, we prioritize client requirements above all else, and our tailored customer engagement model enables us to focus on exactly what our customers need. Looking ahead to the new year, we anticipate delivering even more refined product testing, more structured skills training, and prospective application support etc. high-value services through our tailored customer engagement model, helping our customers to gain competitive advantages.”
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